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   Setup instructions
   Upgrade instructions
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   New language support

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Upgrade Instructions


1. Upgrade from version 1.00

First, backup your old database (or use a new database with MS SQL Server) and then follow the setup instructions below.

Because of the customizable object added, database of version 1.01 has been updated from version 1.00. So next, you have to migrate your old database content to the new database.

  1. Connect to HotLine Manager web site and add the Objects name in the same order as the previous version listed them.
    • Setup instructions.
    • Management rules.
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Documentation.
    • Other.
      NB: if you have modified them (as some people do), enter them in the ascending integer value associated to each object.
  2. Next, yo must use the management interface of the database (i.e. MS Access or MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager) to copy the content of tables of your old database to the new one.
    • With MS Access, you must export the data of the old database tables to CSV files using the "Save As/Export" command of the "File" menu. Then, open the new database and import the CSV files in the following order.
      1. Status.
      2. Softwares
      3. Operators.
      4. Company.
      5. Contacts.
      6. Cases.
      7. Calls.
    • With SQL Server, you must use the Enterprise Manager to export data from your old database to the new one.Select the following tables of the old database and export only data to the corresponding tables of the new database.
      1. dbo.Status.
      2. dbo.Softwares.
      3. dbo.Operators.
      4. dbo.Company.
      5. dbo.Contacts.
      6. dbo.Cases.
      7. dbo.Calls.
  3. Database upgrade is finished and you can use HotLine Manager.

2. Upgrade from version 1.01.

Only new tables for language support have been added. So, you just have to create this new tables and populate them with scripts.

  1. First, backup your datas and at least the "Includes/" file of the web server directory !
  2. Then, update the database structure to support language definition.
    • With MS SQL Server, you must use Enterprise Manager to run the script "LanguageCreation.sql". This will create the required tables. Then, run the scripts "slqLangEngPopulation.sql" to add English language support, "slqLangFrPopulation.sql" to add French support, or "slqLangPortPopulation.sql" to add Brazilian Portuguese support.
    • With MS Access 97 or higher, open your current database and import the tables structures and datas from the new database for the following tables.
      1. Languages.
      2. LangAG.
      3. LangHN.
      4. LangOZ.
  3. Next, update the web pages by replacing them in your current web server directory. Take care to update the "Includes/", which contains the database access directives for the web access, to meet your need.
  4. Database upgrade is finished and you can use HotLine Manager.


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Last modified Saturday July 27, 2002