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   New language support

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Setup Instructions

Unzip the file in a new folder.

This will create 3 sub folders.

  • "Database" (HotLine Manager Access 97 database HotLine.mdb).
  • "Docs" (index.htm, setup.htm, license.txt...)
  • "Web" (ASP 2.0 files for the Web interface in French and English).


1. Database configuration.

1.1. MS Access 97.

If you use the included Access 97 database, be sure that your Web Server have read/write permissions on the Database folder.

Then, open the "Web\Includes\" file and update the HotLine_ConnectionString corresponding to the OLEDB Jet 4.0 driver. You have to specify the real path to the database in the "Data source" parameter.

HotLine_RuntimeUserName and HotLine_RuntimePassword need to be empty if you use OLE JET Driver. You must specify them if you plan to use ODBC driver.

You must have something like this:

' Connect to the Access DB using OLEDB Jet 4.0 provider (ODBC Data Source is not required)
HotLine_ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=My installation path\Database\HotLine.mdb;"
' Connect to the DB using ODBC (you must define a System DSN called HotLine using Control Panel/ODBC Data Sources applet)
' HotLine_ConnectionString = "DSN=HotLine;Description=Help Desk Database;SERVER=(local);UID=HotLineWebUser;DATABASE=HotLine;Regional=Yes"

HotLine_RuntimeUserName = ""
HotLine_RuntimePassword = ""


1.2. MS SQL Server or others database server.

If you plan to use Microsoft SQL Server (or other database), first, take a look at the "Database Specifications.rtf" file in the Docs folder. You will find here a complete description of the DB and the stored procedures.

With SQL Server Enterprise Manager, create a new database and then run the "Docs/MS SQL Server Create Database.sql" SQL script. This script will create:

  • Tables and constraints, including new language support tables.
  • Stored procedures.
  • SQL Server access user HotLineWebUser with password HotLineWebUser (This user will be used by the Web Server to connect to the DB).
  • Default Web Administrator with Login ID "Admin" and password "Admin".
  • Permissions for user HotLineWebUser on the database objects.
  • Permissions for user HotLineWebUser on the database objects.
  • Populate Language languages tables with English, French and Brazilian Portuguese support.

You may modify the password of the database user HotLineWebUser created.

Then, open the "Web\Includes\" file, comment the HotLine_ConnectionString for Access (put a ' character at the begining of the line), comment out the HotLine_ConnectionString (remoce the ' character at the begining of the line) corresponding to the ODBC driver with a system DSN and update it if required. You must have something like this:

' Connect to the Access DB using OLEDB Jet 4.0 provider (ODBC Data Source is not required)
' HotLine_ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\Developp\Développement Visual Interdev\HotLine\Database\HotLine.mdb;"
' Connect to the DB using ODBC (you must define a System DSN called HotLine using Control Panel/ODBC Data Sources applet)
HotLine_ConnectionString = "DSN=HotLine;Description=Help Desk Database;SERVER=(local);UID=HotLineWebUser;DATABASE=HotLine;Regional=Yes"

HotLine_RuntimeUserName = "HotLineWebUser"
HotLine_RuntimePassword = "HotLineWebUser"

HotLine_RuntimeUserName and HotLine_RuntimePassword need to be updated if you use update either the password or the name of the user access to the database (i.e HotLineWebUser).

Last, open the ODBC Data Sources applet from the Control Panel. On the System DSN tab, click Add button, select SQL Server driver and click Finish button to run the configuration wizard.

  1. In the first screen of the wizard, specify the name of the data source, and select the server. Cleck Next button.
  2. In the second screen, select SQL Server Authentication and specify "HotLineWebUser" as Connection ID and password.
  3. In the third screen, check "Change default database" and select the HotLine database. Leave all others options as is, it will normally work.
  4. In the fourth screen, leave all options as is and click Finish button.
  5. In the last screen, you can test the data source connection and then click the Ok button to create it.


2. Web Server configuration.

HotLine Manager has been tested on Windows NT 4.0 + IIS 4.0 web server and Windows 2000 + IIS 5.0. It's buid in ASP 2.0 and must work on ASP 2.0 compliant web servers.

  1. With the Internet Service Manager, add a virtual folder called "HotLine" (or any other name you want) at the top of your web site which point to the "Web" folder which have "Execute scripts" permission (it 's the default). If you don't want to call the virtual Folder "HotLine", you must then update the scripts "Web/Includes/" and "Web/Includes/" to put the right redirection in the "Response.redirect( "/HotLine/Default.asp")" command.
  2. The database store login ID and password. If you plan to use this application over the Internet or your Intranet (i.e. not in your LAN), I recommend that you use SSL to cipher communications. As is, passwords will be encrypted over the network.
  3. Open your favorite web browser and browse the URL http://myserver/HotLine. You will be prompt for a LoginID and password. Default login for Administrator is Admin and Admin.
  4. Configure the application settings
    • Operators: who in your company can use HotLine Manager, and with which rights ?
    • Softwares: for which of your software can they registrer calls ?
    • Software objects: what the object of your software (setup, GUI, data management, backup/restore, or any other object you need) ?
    • Case statuses: what the status of a call (seraching a workaround, not a bug, closed, or any other status you need) ?
  5. You can now register enterprises and their contacts, and then calls and cases.

Its as simple as that. So let me know what you think !


If you have troubleshooting, please use forums before contact me.

NB. If you do modify the source, please let me have a copy of anything useful so that I can pass it on to everyone else...


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HotLine Manager Developers Team
Last modified Saturday July 27, 2002