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Using an existing Language.
We provide you with some languages in database, at start English, French and Brazilian Portuguese. Each of these languages has its own population script for the SQL Server database. To use these languages with older release, you must run the script "MS SQL Server LanguageCreation.sql" to create the Languages tables. Then, run the population script of each language you want to populate the Languages tables (see Upgrade instructions).
NB: The MS Access 97 database coming with the package already includes these language. Also the "MS SQL Server Create Database.sql" create the required tables and populate them with English, French and Brazilian Portuguese languages.
English | Français | Português Brasileiro |
Calls for known Cases | Appels pour des Dossiers Existants | Chamados para Incidentes existentes |
for a Software. | par logiciel | de Software. |
has been successfully unactivated in the database. | a été rendu inactif. | foi desativado na Base de Dados. |
If yes, steps to reproduce. | Si Oui, saisir les étapes pour la reproduire. | Se sim, passos para reproduzir. |
You can update and run one of the language population script to easily add a new language.
There are eleven images in the "Web\En\Images" folder for each language. You can put your own images to translate the menus. On the database, you must to inform the name of the image.
List of the images
Table | Field | Example |
LangAG | CallsBanner | en-CallsBanner.jpg |
LangAG | CallsMenugif | en-CallsMenu.gif |
LangAG | CasesBanner | en-CasesBanner.jpg |
LangAG | CasesMenugif | en-CasesMenu.gif |
LangAG | CompaniesContactsBanner | en-CompaniesContactsBanner.jpg |
LangAG | CompaniesContactsMenugif | en-CompaniesAndContactsMenu.gif |
LangHN | MainMenugif | en-MainMenu.gif |
LangOZ | SettingsBanner | en-SettingsBanner.jpg |
LangOZ | StatisticsBanner | en-StatisticsBanner.jpg |
LangOZ | StatisticsMenugif | en-StatisticsMenu.gif |
LangOZ | WelcomeBanner | en-WelcomeBanner.jpg |
HotLine Manager Developers Team |
Last modified Saturday July 27, 2002 |